The challenge of inspiration

Stephen Hershey
5 min readSep 20, 2017


Ironically, there are no stars in Los Angeles. The belly of the beast will eventually begin the process of decomposition, slowly priming you — yes, you! — as fodder for a relentless demagogue. It’s alright if you don’t vibe; masses flock in droves for a chance to provide their bodies as blood sacrifice to the hungry god. On the other hand, burritos are delicious.

Pain is also completely optional. Wait in line to receive a complimentary gauze that our contracted professionals will spread over your eyes to filter in good vibes only. That’s right — no negativity, pls. Not here. The bliss of ignorance is a welcome addition to the imposed dreams of thousands who were led by breadcrumbs, promising delicious fantasies in the structure of the civilization. You are encouraged to leave qualms at the door; it’s all ok, and there’s nothing wrong. Nothing at all.

If you are discouraged, take to social media to release your concerns. Most importantly, if you have an opinion, voice it loudly, and don’t be afraid to let your emotions run wild as you confront the despicable, disgraceful, unforgivable humans that simply need to know that they’re wrong. Know that they will likely be completely consumed by their own perspectives, as well, perhaps on guard, so you might have to be even extra louder for them to hear you — really, really loud.

Be careful of ideas that completely shatter your reality — they are a threat to an already elusive peace of mind. Something that can’t be true, or, is too insane, or, is utterly offensive, will only trouble you further, as many of these ideas suggest despicable truths. Why would anybody lie? If you feel any tinge of discomfort, seriously, brush it aside. Especially if the ideas offend you in any way. There is no reason the world would be any different than the way it is being presented. If it is, only slightly, in a sort of inconsequential way.

You are not important, but your dreams are. You are only allowed to progress through life when you are given permission, and the hungry god-wyrm deems you ready for the next phase of preparation.

Anything that confuses you, or makes you think about life in a different way, is a complete distraction. You might want to use these labels to sub-categorize these distractions in your brain for easier digestion: weird, crazy, so gay, artistic, satanic, hippie, secular, spiritual, millennial, weeaboos, alt-right, alt-left, ctl-alt-del, etc. Remember that burrito? So good.

If you meet anyone that is exhibiting these traits, they might also be doing things “for no reason,” or “because they felt like it,” or purposefully trying to get a reaction out of you, to “see if you’re still alive.” These chaotic hipsters only disrupt the purposeful dynamic created by our Lord, the Great Wyrm Decathylmite sent to ingest us all by ceremonial hypnosis and an acute fascination with burritos. Decathylmite will cleanse our fears by numbing pains and allowing us to forget the many truths — or un-truths! — that have caused such regrettable suffering in the past.

It is imperative that your childhood is immediately abandoned. The stages of youth are filled with an imagination that is too unstable and destructive to fit within the modern realm of understanding. We are no longer a savage race, living organized, purposeful, society-driven, 401K’d, inherited, no-work, no-dream, computational, categorical, refined, streamlined, dry-cleaned, bee-lined, chi-declined, de-inclined, fear-bound, heaven-found, horde-demounting, roaring inter-speciecial, target-locking, enhanced missiline, irrefutable, re-constitutional, supertutional, stuptandutible, cracker-jacksutional, underpipslippable, tronbondictable, licketysplitical, dunedonafied, boner lives. Wait, not boner lives.

Welcome our Great and Mighty Lord Decathylmite, the Many-Toothed, the Great Digester, the World-Eater, the Conquering, the Extra-Slimey, the Giant Deucer, the Body of a Thousand Suns, the Surprisingly Good Cricket Player, the Ironic Abolisher, the Dynamic Completist, the Juicy Trickster, the Conniving Wonder, the Many-Faced, the Un-Named, the Black Hole of Doom, the Blacker Hole of Doom, The Blackest Hole, Period, Doom or Otherwise, the Highest Kills in All First-Person Shooters, the Priest of Passion, the Wolverine of Bed Sheets, the Large Lover, the Many-Liked, the Super-Swiped, the Alt-Mite, the Most-Primmed, the Powerfully-Preened, the Envy Queen, the Under-Wyrm, the Cool Teacher in High School, the Mr. Prom, the Wild, Wild, Wyrm Starring Will Smith, Kevin Kline, and Kenneth Branagh, the HBO’s Westwyrm, the Mr. Cool, the Dunderbutt, and the Precious Based On The Novel Push By Sapphire.

Through him, your fears are relinquished, your challenges completed, and your dark corners lit. There is no reason to question where the light comes from. It’s there, isn’t it? Isn’t that good enough? You’re happy, aren’t you? You’re content, right? You’re fed? You’re warm, when you want to be? You’re cool, when you want to be? You’re entertained, huh? TV is in a Golden Age, am I right? Why aren’t you satisfied? What are you missing? What more even is there? What more could there possibly be? What do you want from us? Why aren’t you happy? What more could you ask for?

Tell us. Tell us, and we’ll give it to you. Just tell us what you want. We’ll do whatever you want. Whatever you do, just don’t wake up. Don’t ask questions. Don’t think too much. Don’t wonder the obvious. Don’t challenge those in power, it’s not worth it. Don’t go within, there’s nothing there. Love everyone, without question. Hate no one, especially not the manipulators, the molesters, the war-criminals, the pedophiles, the persecutors, the abusers, the conspirers, and the liars. Hate is bad, it definitely does not have the potential to create responsible distinctions without emotional compromise. No. No, no no. Good burritos only.

When you’re asleep, you have no responsibility. That’s what’s so great about being asleep. You can shut out the world and all the noise — it’s so easy to do. We even have pills to help you. So many pills! And they’re all legal! So, no judgement from your fellow, lawful compatriot. Because the people from previous generations were way smarter than us, and knew exactly how to predict the social, technological, mythic, and cultural changes that have since changed our expectations, infrastructure, and brain chemistry to the point where we might as well be a completely different species.

There’s no point in remembering that the great shapers of the world were outcasted by those they wanted to help. There’s little relief there — because you’re just food for our Great Lord! Remember that there is not a hidden light in everyone, and that the planet is definitely not alive, and that you don’t have any responsibility whatsoever. Especially don’t remember that we have no power over you, and your limits are so unending that if you guys actually knew what was going on then it would be over in an instant. Don’t remember the last line of the poem that Jennifer Connelly has to say to David Bowie to free her baby brother which is a metaphor for the inner-child to escape from the Labyrinth that he created for her because she wished for it and it is only a slave to her as long as her mind gives the illusion a reason to exist.

Is there more burrito?

